Feiret 17.mai i går på sedvanlig og megakoselig vis med frokost først hos venninne og superblogger, Celine. Siden jeg var innlagt på sykehus hele forrige uke, har jeg ikke hatt mulighet til å planlegge hva jeg skal ha på meg siden jeg ikke har bunad (som jeg forøvrig ønsker meg veldig!!:). Endte opp med å ta på meg en deilig turtleneck siden det var litt kaldt, og en ermeløs frakk som jeg brukte som kjole med mine favoritt espadrillos til. Det kan ofte være et godt tips å bruke jakker, frakker eller trenchcoater som en kjole, om du bare knepper igjen og bruker enten tilhørende belte til eller styler den med et helt annet belte for litt mer særpreg.

Celebrated Norway’s Constitution day in two different outfits. At my friend, Celine’s breakfast, I went for a monochromistic look in all white and beige. For lunch at my friend, Cecilies house, I switched my frock/dress into a floral 50’s skirt instead.

I wore my hair in a simple ponytail, just using a MIU MIU ribbon tied around the hairband.

Aren’t the girls looking FAAAB in their “bunader”, which is the national folk costume in Norway. I have really wanted one myself for many years, so next year I hope to wear one of these beauties myself…Is there such a thing as a “Bunad-Santa”??;) From left: Elisabeth, Ann Christin, Sunniva, Julie, Tina, Maria, Moi et Celine.

I matched the white and the beige outfit with some tangerine coloured lips to add some freshness, and it also went well to my pink floral skirt I put on later.

At breakfast I noticed that Celine and I were totally color coordinated by coincidence, but I really started to wonder as I came to Cecilie’s place and we had matching outfits as well, both wearing 50’s inspired skirts!!:):)

Had a great of May celebration with lot’s of cool cats:)

Two pregnant ladies from the left, Annette and me, and the superhot mums, Cecilie and Hege to the right!

And lastly, my Boo and my lill’babygirl, who had picked out her new “bunad” just the day before, as she’d grown out of her last one. Traditionally the folk costumes, especially for kids, seem to be mostly red and black, but I really like the blue and black version as well:)

Hope you all had a great celebration yesterday!!





Hair ribbon//MiuMiu



4 kommentarer

    1. Vet hvordan du føler deg.. Jeg var også konstant kvalm med avkommet. Men, om det er noen trøst, så ser du smashing ut! Hadde aldri gjettet at du nettopp var innlagt..;) håper formen kommer seg slik at du kan nyte både grunder-bebisen og mage-bebisen 🙂

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